Abstract Submission


Abstract submission for ORAL presentations: Submission Ended (deadline; 25 October 2024) 

Abstract submission for POSTER presentations: DEADLINE 6 December 2024 

The committee will select oral and poster contributions after that submission deadlines. The committee prefer abstracts that explain the interest of your work, and give its connections to energy (or other physical resources) in quantum devices or quantum technologies, including enabling technologies.  These connections can be in your work's results, or because your work raises interesting open questions. The abstract should to written for an interdisciplinary audience, ranging from researchers working on fundamental questions of quantum information, to researchers working on practical improvements in enabling technologies (such as electronics or cryogenics).

  • Here is a model abstract in docx with more information.
  • The whole abstract should not exceed 1 pageIt can include a figure.
  • The abstract should be written for a broad readership, but its last paragraph can be more technical (if you wish).

 To submit an abstract: 

  • You must be logged-in to submit: login here & account creation here.
  • click on My submissions in left menu (not visible unless logged-in).
  • Please select a topic to help us organize sessions; see the list here.
  • You should ignore the option of uploading supplementary data.
  • Please upload your abstract in pdf format.

Contact us if you have any questions: qei2025@sciencesconf.org

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