Below is a list of talk and poster titles

Click here for pdf of above program
Click here for conference booklet (pdf) with this list of talks/posters and useful maps/info
Click here for the abstract book (pdf) with all talk/poster abstracts
- Coral Calero (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) - Green is the new black: concepts in software sustainability.
- Sabrina Maniscalco (Algorithmiq, Finland) - Quantum Chaos and Dual Unitary Systems: Pushing the Boundaries of Science with Quantum Computer.
- Jukka Pekola (Aalto University, Finland) - Superconducting circuits as a platform for quantum thermodynamics experiments.
Invited talks (alphabetical order)
- Irene d'Amico (York University, UK) - Quantum thermodynamics under the lens of density functional theory.
- Ludovic Bellon (ENS Lyon, France) - Energetics of classic information erasure: the adiabatic limit.
- Constantin Dalyac (Pasqal, France) - Energy consumption of a a neutral atom QPU for two use-cases.
- Olivier Ezratty (EPITA, QEI cofounder, France) - Quantum computing roadmaps and their energetics aspects.
- Radim Filip (Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic) - Rise of Quantum Coherences.
- Oscar Gravier (CEA-Leti & Quobly, Grenoble) - Low-Distance Surface Code Emulation for Silicon-based Spin Qubits.
- Géraldine Haack (Geneva University, Switzerland) - Transport-based quantum tomography in open quantum systems
- Danijela Markovic (CNRS/Thales Paris, France) - Energy efficiency of quantum neuromorphic computing
- Joseph Mikael (EDF, France) - Quantum Computing Energetics: The point of View of an HPC user
- Yasser Omar (IST, ULisbon & PQI – Portuguese Quantum Institute) - Energetics of Quantum Computation
- Martin Plesch (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia) - Optimizing NISQ computers.
Contributed talks (alphabetical order)
- Milton Aguilar (Univ. Stuttgart) - Correlated quantum machines beyond the standard second law.
- Léa Bresque (ICTP, Trieste) - Stochastic information processing in a lazy quantum measurement engine.
- Frederico Brito (Univ. São Paulo & Abu Dhabi) - Energy additivity as a requirement for universal quantum thermodynamical frameworks.
- Francesco Campaioli (Univ Padua) - Extending the self-discharge time of Dicke quantum batteries using molecular triplets.
- Pierre-Louis De Assis (Univ. Campinas) - Electrical energy cost of arbitrary state preparation with programmable integrated photonic circuits.
- Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau (Quandela) - Towards Quantum Energetic Advantage in Boson Sampling.
- Léo Monbroussou (Sorbonne & CNRS) - Towards Quantum Advantage with Photonic State Injection.
- Florian Meier (TUWien) - Autonomous Quantum Processing Unit: What does it take to construct a self-contained model for quantum computation?
- Lindsay Oftelie (NEST, Pisa) - Dynamic Cooling of Qubits on Contemporary Quantum Computers.
- Eugenia Pyurbeeva (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - Thermoelectric spectroscopy for in situ characterisation of nanodevices.
- Loïc Rondin (Univ. Paris-Saclay & CNRS) - Nano heat machines, efficiency and the role of inertia.
- Nathan Shettell (MajuLab/CQT Singapore) - Entropic Cost of Statistical Inference.
- Jeremy Stevens (Alice&Bob) - Determining the energy consumption of a quantum algorithm running on a superconducting cat-qubit based fault tolerant quantum computer.
- Harshit Verma (Eviden/MajuLab/CQT Singapore) - Energetics of VQE algorithm.
- Maria Violaris (Oxford Quantum Circuits & Univ Oxford) - Impossibility of universal work extraction from coherence: reconciling axiomatic and resource-theory approaches.
- Mischa Woods (Inria & Univ. Grenoble Alpes) - Quantum Frequential Computing: a quadratic run time advantage for all computation.
- Raja Yehia (ICFO, Barcelona) - Energetic Analysis of Emerging Quantum Communication Protocols.
GROUP DISCUSSIONS: ENERGY AND SOCIETY (Tuesday 7 Jan 17:00 to 20:00 with snacks)
Organized by the Innovacs Team (Pierre Engerran, Fabrice Forest & Amelie Favreau). We will divide into small groups mixing scientists from the QEI workshop with social scientists and other experts from Grenoble’s Institutes. Our goal will be to discuss how society should balance the costs and benefits of any future quantum technology.
Each group will consider how quantum technologies might impact a particular sector of society in the year 2050. Proposed list of sectors of society:
- Industry
- Agriculture
- Space
- Transportation
- Power Supply & Smart Grids
- Healthcare
- Entertainment
We should consider how we balance the benefits and costs (particularly energy or resource costs) of some quantum technologies in that sector. The group should develop two-or-three scenarios, some negative (with costs likely to outweigh benefits) and some positive (with benefits likely to outweigh costs). Some scenarios can be realistically inspired by knowledge of concrete quantum technologies. However, other scenarios can be pure science-fiction, imagining a future quantum technology capable of almost anything! Both types of scenario are helpful in our goal of discussing how we (as a society) should balance the benefits and costs of future technologies.
The discussions will be greatly facilitated by the presence of social scientists and other experts on the social impact of the above sectors.
Organized and chaired by Olivier Ezratty (EPITA & QEI cofounder). Discussions with Researchers/Experts from Quantum Industries on topics such as
- How do energy and resources impact quantum industry road-maps at short and long term?
- What jobs exist in quantum industries, what is research like in quantum industries?
- ... and many other topics.
Participants (list to be confirmed):
- Pierre Jaeger IBM Quantum(world leader in quantum computing with superconducting qubits)
- Tristan Meunier, Quobly (start-up developing quantum computing with silicon spin qubits)
- Josep Bosch Qilimanjaro(start-up developing analog quantum computing)
- Constantin Dalyac Pasqal (start-up developing quantum computing with atoms)
- Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, Quandela(start-up developing quantum computing with photons)
- Joseph Mikael, EDF(Electricity producer/supplier researching applications of quantum computing)
POSTERS (alphabetical order)
Poster session 1 (Tuesday afternoon): posters with odd numbers
Poster session 2 (Thursday morning): posters with even numbers
- Aiache Youssef. Quantum Sensing of Temperature with Interacting Qubit Probes
- Aimet Stefan. Experimentally probing Landauer's principle in the quantum many-body regime
- Barros Nicolas. Learning efficient erasure protocols for an underdamped memory
- Benali Mohamed. Light Trajectories and Thermal Shadows casted by Black Holes in a Cavity
- Bertin-Johannet Bruno. Increasing the extracted power in hot-carrier solar cells with energy-filtered contacts
- Bossard Elisa. Thermodynamic analysis of a fault-tolerant measurement-free bit-flip quantum memory
- Cerisola Federico. Extra cost of erasure due to quantum lifetime broadening
- Chang Derek. Information Structure in Multi-time Quantum Processes
- Chowdhury Farhan Tanvir. Challenges in realising digital quantum simulation of dissipative spin dynamics
- Chrirou Chaimae. Potential barriers make quantum thermoelectrics with nearly ideal efficiency at finite power output
- El Allati Abderrahim. Non-Markovian effects on the performance of a quantum Otto refrigerator
- Höfer Johannes. Calorimetric detection of single electron tunneling events
- Horodecki Karol. Quantification of energy consumption of quantum resource generation
- Ichir Evan. Conception of cryo-attenuators for dilution fridges
- Janovitch Marcelo. Clean baths, clean qubits: thermodynamics of solid-state bath purification
- Khomchenko Ilia. Cyclic Solid-State Quantum Battery: Thermodynamic Characterization and Quantum Hardware Simulation
- Kirchberg Henning. Quantum Information Engine Revised: Measurement Time, Time-dependent Information Acquisition, Energy Cost, and Performance
- Koteva Konstantina. Optimizing Energetic Efficiency in Silicon Spin Qubit Quantum Devices
- Lai Amalina. Quantum multi-time processes in continuous variable systems
- Lam William. Measurement of the Lindbladian of quantum computers with randomised Pauli measurements
- Lamblin Mathieu. Quantum Spintronic Energy Harvester
- Lombard-Latune Camille. Optimizing shotrcut-to-adiabaticity with respect to thermodynamic costs
- Lutz Eric. Combining energy efficiency and quantum advantage in cyclic machines
- Medina Ivan. Anomalous discharging of quantum batteries: the ergotropic Mpemba effect
- Monsel Juliette. Autonomous demon exploiting heat and information at the trajectory level
- Novotný Tomáš. Generation of autonomous quantum resources by dissipative quantum systems
- Polo Beatriz. Enhancement in energy storage precision using Nongaussian quantum batteries
- Prech Kacper. Quantum thermodynamics of continuous feedback control
- Rinaldi Davide. Advantage in quantum batteries: the role of energy fluctuations
- Sánchez Rafael. Asymmetric thermalization in few-level systems
- Soret Ariane. Symmetry shapes thermodynamics of macroscopic quantum systems
- Traore Diata. Advancing quantum chemistry with quantum computing resources
- Tsunaki Lucas. Diamond-Based Quantum Token (DIQTOK)
- Winczewski Marek. Dissipation of Secrecy Resources in Quantum Networks